
Get Your Favorite Nonprofit on Everyone's Radar

Please note The nomination window has closed

Check out our 2023 winners here

Give the gift of free advertising

'Tis the season for Gratitude on Repeat — a chance for you to help a local nonprofit receive free radio advertising to help spread awareness of their mission. By submitting your favorite nonprofit today, you're giving them the chance to win free air time on local radio stations — helping them reach hundreds of thousands of listeners in 2024.

The winning nonprofit organizations will receive a radio schedule that includes:

  • A client discovery session with Leighton Media
  • Free production (up to 3 radio ads)
  • A 13-week, 21-ads per week branding schedule on select Leighton Media radio stations



Why Gratitude on Repeat?

At Leighton Media, our passion to serve, connect, and celebrate our communities has been the core of how we do business since 1963 when we began our journey.
In 2017, we decided to bring our passion for the community into light in a new way —  Gratitude on Repeat. Through this annual campaign, we give give back to the organizations that serve our community year-round.

Frequently asked questions

All the details you would want to know before submitting your nomination.

What organizations are eligible to be nominated?

Any organization with a nonprofit status in the markets listed in the submission form can be submitted to win.

Can I vote for my own organization?

Yes! You may vote for your own nonprofit organization. Remember that you can only vote for the same organization once.

How many organizations can I nominate?

You can submit as many organizations as you wish! Keep in mind that there will only be one winner per market, and you may only vote for the same organization once.

Can I vote for a nonprofit that won last year?

The same organization cannot win two years in a row. But we still encourage you to nominate a different organization this year! Nonprofits may have a chance to win again if there is at least one year between them winning.

How long are submissions accepted?

The submissions window will close on December 31, 2023.

How is a winner chosen?

The nonprofit in each market with the most nominations will win.

When will winners be chosen?

We plan to announce the winners for each market the first week of January, in 2024.